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Delivering More From Biologicals

It starts with PPFMs


At NewLeaf Symbiotics®, we've spent more than a decade rigorously testing strains of Pink-Pigmented Facultative Methylotrophs, or, as we refer to them, PPFMs. These little pink powerhouses pack a punch of beneficial characteristics – some PPFM technologies improve nutrient uptake to increase vigor, plant development and defense against abiotic stress – while other PPFM technologies can repel pests, like corn rootworm.

The proof is science-led.

These results are aggregated from multi-location trials.


Corn Bioinsecticide



Win Performance Advantage

66 trials
across 9 states in 2023

Terrasym® 450

Corn Biostimulant



Win Performance Advantage

144 trials
across 12 states from 2020-2023

* Win advantage is performance across winning trials when compared to untreated checks of grower standard practice (GSP) for the region.
**Aggregate win performance in trials with and without CRW pressure.

The Power
of Pink

NewLeaf technology-powered products can be applied as a seed treatment or a planter box application. As a complement to a grower's existing crop management program, products powered by NewLeaf technology can allow growers to get better results from their other crop inputs.

Repel Corn Rootworm with a Revolutionary New Mode of Action

Let's get to the root of the problem – more corn rootworm (CRW) breakthroughs each year cause yield loss, lodging and overall challenges in harvestability. It's time to take control of the billion-dollar pest with NewLeaf's EPA-approved TS201 bioinsecticide with a revolutionary mode of action that repels CRW at the root.

Complement existing CRW-management approaches with a new mode of action powered by NewLeaf's TS201 bioinsecticide technology.

A Decade of Efficacy Data

NewLeaf uses a highly targeted approach in selecting which PPFMs work for a given purpose. Strong consistency in year-over-year results helps demonstrate the reliable performance found through NewLeaf technologies. With a decade of third-party and grower-tested results, NewLeaf's science-led, data-backed approach is documented in the latest trials.


Corn Bioinsecticide



Win Performance Advantage1

66 trials3
across 9 states in 2023




Terrasym® 450

Corn Biostimulant4



Win Performance Advantage1

144 trials3
across 12 states from 2020-2023




Terrasym® 401

Soybean Biostimulant4



Win Performance Advantage1

83 trials3
across 16 states over 4 years




Terrasym® 402

Peanut Biostimulant4



Win Performance Advantage1

Tested on small plots only
Used without Rhizobia




1 Win advantage is performance across winning trials when compared to untreated checks of grower standard practice (GSP) for the region.
2 A win rate of 50% in biologicals is considered good by industry standards.
3 Additional small plot data available upon request.
4 Microbial inoculant supporting a plant's natural processes by improving nutrient availability, uptake or use efficiency and tolerance to abiotic stress.

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August 8, 2024


Corn Rootworm Never Saw It Coming

Biostimulants gain a leg up with the addition of biocontrol options.

Hear from Ross Chastain and Shawn Semones about how NewLeaf has narrowed its focus to PPFMs and the many solutions available through this technology.

Learn how growers can count on NewLeaf's PPFM technologies to deliver reliable results in the field season-over-season.